Rounding Decimals Wheel Foldable

Included is a wheel foldable on rounding decimals. This foldable has four layers: (1) Cover, (2) Rounding to Tenths, (3) Rounding to Hundredths, and (4) Rounding to Thousandths. There are also two versions: (1) answer key template and (2) fill-in template. This foldable is a great handheld study tool or can be glued into students' interactive notebooks. In addition, students can personalize their wheel foldables by coloring them. If time is limited, print the wheel foldable on colored paper. Your students will love this!

Preview of Rounding Decimals Wheel Foldable 1

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Preview of Rounding Decimals Wheel Foldable 3

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Preview of Rounding Decimals Wheel Foldable 4

Preview of Rounding Decimals Wheel Foldable 5
