5th Grade Math Practice Pointers for Operations & Algebraic Thinking - 5.OA

My "Practice Pointers" consist of a booklet that has 3 practice problems for each concept. The "1 pointer" is easiest, "2 pointer" is harder, and the "3 pointer" is the hardest. Students will need scissors and glue (or stapler) in order to construct the Practice Pointers book.

There are 2 versions: (1) fill-in and (2) answer key. You can decide which version you would rather use.

You can decide if you would rather construct the book all at once, or as you go along with each number sense concept.

I like to print each concept on colored paper so that the page numbers pop up and stand out.


I love this book because it makes a GREAT study tool and students can use it as an example on how to solve similar math problems.

The concepts include:

1.) Evaluating Numerical Expressions (Order of Operations)

2.) Writing Numerical Expressions

3.) Translating Numerical Expressions

4.) Graphing Patterns

5.) Writing Expressions from a Table of Values

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