Unit Rate Grocery Coupon Activity - FREE Unit Price Distance Learning

I've been a little quiet due to morning sickness (pregnant with my 4th). I have started my 2nd trimester and I am feeling SO much better! This means that I am back to creating math resources :)

Unit Rates Activity Unit Prices Distance Learning

I decided to make a FREE Distance Learning activity on Unit Rates since I know that a lot of schools are still doing virtual learning and needed something on unit rates. I love this activity because it is real world based and students have fun calculating the cost of items that they purchased at the grocery store.

In this activity, students will be calculating the unit price of grocery store items. They will determine which coupon will give them the better buy.

This activity comes in Google Slides. You will be provided with a link. You can share the link with your students. 

Another great thing about this activity is that I have included a video for students that goes over how to complete the activity. It is 100% set up for students. All you have to do is give the students the link and watch them go!

You can get my activity for FREE by clicking HERE.
