Math Webquests for 8th Grade Math

Math Webquests!!!
Oh my gosh! I am so excited to show you all my newest line of products!!!  My newest line includes math webquests!!!  Yes, webquests!!!  My webquests are ABSOLUTELY AMAZING because they turn your classroom into a more student centered classroom!  You will be amazed at how well organized my webquests are!  Also, they are perfect whenever you have a sub, or need a day to grade papers or etc.

8th Grade Math Webquests

Right now, I have a growing bundle for my 8th grade math webquests. There will be a total of 10 webquests. Currently, 2 of the 10 webquests are completed. You will be able to download the 2 webquests right now, and the rest as they are completed:
(1) Irrationals vs Rationals
(2) Converting a Fraction into a Repeating Decimal, and Vice Versa
(3) Exponent Properties (COMPLETED)
(4) Slope Given a Graph, Table, or 2 Points (COMPLETED)
(5) Slope-Intercept Form
(6) Writing Linear Equations
(7) Systems of Equations
(8) Intro to Transformations
(9) Congruence
(10) Pythagorean Theorem
The webquests have a PDF file containing a student template and an answer key template. In addition, each concept will include a short quiz.
You can see an example of one of my free webquests by clicking HERE.
Why are my webquests worth every penny?

1.) I not only create the pdf for the student template and answer key, but I create ALL of the information and videos on the website! It is my own personal website so I am in charge of all the information posted on my site!

2.) Webquests are a great way to introduce information to students! It has been stated many times that children learn the most when they write down information. My webquests will help students retain information, and provide them with plenty of examples!
3.) The webquests are excellent to use when you have a sub! All of the answers for the student templates can be easily found on my website!
If I purchase now, how do I get the webquests?
After purchasing my growing bundle, you will look under "My Purchases" for any updates throughout the next weeks / month. You will find that the file will be updated with each webquest after it has been completed.

You can purchase my webquest bundle on TpT by clicking HERE or you can purchase from my website by clicking "add to cart" below:
