All 8th Grade Math Curriculum Bundle

⭐ This bundle includes ALL of my 8th Grade Math material in my store and ALL future 8th Grade Math Products ⭐

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This includes all of my popular 8th grade math interactive notebooks, practice worksheets, foldables, activities, warm-ups, homework, exit slips, assessments, early finishers, and SO MUCH MORE!!! You can use this bundle as a stand alone curriculum for the entire school year or you can use it to supplement your current curriculum.

This bundle includes ALL of the following:

• 8th Grade Math Activities
• 8th Grade Math Foldables
• 8th Grade Math Interactive Notebook
• 8th Grade Math Digital Interactive Notebook Distance Learning (Text is EDITABLE)
• 8th Grade Math Composition Notebook
• 8th Grade Math Practice Worksheets (Entire Year of Worksheets) DISTANCE LEARNING
• 8th Grade Math Homework (Entire Year)
• 8th Grade Math Warm-Ups (Entire Year) DISTANCE LEARNING
• 8th Grade Math Digital Early Finishers in Google Slides Distance Learning Sub
• 8th Grade Math Exit Slips (Math Exit Tickets) DISTANCE LEARNING
• 8th Grade Math Assessments EDITABLE (Entire Year) DISTANCE LEARNING

• 8th Grade Math Alphabet Vocabulary Word Wall (Great for Bulletin Boards)
• 8th Grade Math Webquests Bundle DISTANCE LEARNING

• 8th Grade Math Bulletin Board Borders

• 8th Grade Math Stained Glass GROWING BUNDLE

• 8th Grade Math Vocabulary Coloring Worksheets Bundle

Don't miss out on this amazing deal!!! Individually this bundle costs well over $600!

8th Grade Math Concepts:

Unit 1 - The Number System

✅ The Real Number System

✅ Classifying: Irrationals vs Rationals

✅ Converting a Fraction into a Repeating Decimal

✅ Converting a Repeating Decimal into a Fraction

✅ Square Roots and Cube Roots

✅ Approximating Non-Perfect Squares

✅ Non-Perfect Squares on the Number Line

✅ Comparing Irrational Numbers

✅ Exponent Properties

✅ Intro to Scientific Notation

✅ Adding/Subtracting with Scientific Notation

✅ Multiplying/Dividing with Scientific Notation

Unit 2 - Expressions & Equations

✅ Unit Rate on a Graph

✅ Solving Equations with Variables on Both Sides

✅ Equations with Parentheses

✅ Number of Solutions to Linear Equations

✅ X and Y intercepts from a Table and Graph

✅ X and Y intercepts from an Equation

✅ Graphing using Intercepts

✅ Types of Slope

✅ Determining Slope Given a Graph

✅ Determining Slope Given a Table or Two Points

✅ Slope-Intercept Form

✅ Writing Linear Equations from a Graph

✅ Writing Linear Equations Given Two Points

✅ Standard Form to Slope-Intercept Form

✅ Types of Solutions from a Systems of Equations

✅ Solving Systems of Equations by Graphing

✅ Solving Systems of Equations by Substitution

✅ Solving Systems of Equations by Elimination

✅ Solving Systems of Equations Word Problems

Unit 3 - Functions

✅ Intro to Functions

✅ Function Notation and Evaluating a Function

✅ Linear vs Non-Linear

✅ Writing Linear Functions from a Table

✅ Comparing Functions (Graph, Table, Equation, and Verbal Description)

Unit 4 - Geometry

✅ Intro to Transformations

✅ Rigid Transformations: Reflections, Rotations, & Translations Rules

✅ Dilations

✅ Sequence of Transformations

✅ Similarity

✅ Congruence

✅ Identifying Angle Relationships

✅ Solving with Angle Relationships

✅ Triangle Angle Sum Theorem

✅ Triangle Exterior Angle Theorem

✅ Proving the Pythagorean Theorem

✅ Applying the Pythagorean Theorem

✅ Pythagorean Theorem in Coordinate System

✅ Volume: Cone, Cylinder, and Sphere

Unit 5 - Statistics & Probability

✅ Intro to Scatter Plots

✅ Constructing Scatter Plots

✅ Line of Best Fit

✅ Two Way Tables

The homework is aligned to the notebook and follows the same units as above. The first page of each homework assignment has 5 problems. The back page of each homework assignment has an error analysis problem, create your own problem, and reflection.

The activities are worksheets that engage students and develop their critical thinking skills.

The exit slips are a quick and great way to check for understanding.

The unit tests include a pre-test, post-test, and vocabulary quiz for each unit. All assessments are EDITABLE!!! The breakdown of each assessment is given below:

Students will:

1.) Determine if numbers are rational or irrational.

2.) Fill out a table containing perfect squares.

3.) Approximate square roots that are irrational numbers.

4.) Use a number line to show where irrational numbers lie on the line.

5.) Determine the closest number to the square root of an irrational number.

5.) Convert fractions to decimals.

6.) Convert repeating decimals to fractions.

The vocabulary included is square root, whole number, repeating decimal, real number, irrational number, rational number, perfect square, natural number, and terminating decimal.

Included is a pre-test, post-test, and 2 vocabulary quizzes on the 8th grade Common Core Standards Expressions & Equations (8.EE).

Students will:

1.) Use the law of exponents to simplify expressions

2.) Solve square roots

3.) Convert numbers to scientific notation

4.) Convert numbers to standard form

5.) Determine the slope, y-intercept, and slope-intercept form of a line

6.) Solve a system of equations

7.) Graphing a system of equations

The vocabulary included is base, exponent, expression, monomial, coefficient, scientific notation, standard form, slope-intercept form, variable, linear, distributive property, system of equations, point of intersection, elimination, substitution, unit rate, slope, and y-intercept.

Included is a pre-test, post-test, and vocabulary quiz on the 8th grade math standard functions (8.F).

Students will:

1.) Determine if a graph represents a function

2.) State the domain and range of a relation

3.) Plot points on a graph to determine if the table represents a function

4.) State if a function is decreasing, increasing, or constant

5.) Determine the output of a function machine

6.) Determine the recursive and explicit equation

7.) Determine the minimum, maximum, increasing interval, and decreasing interval of a graph

8.) Determine the rate of change, initial value, independent value, and dependent variable given a graph

9.) Sketch a graph given a situation

The vocabulary included is dependent, output, function, domain, range, decreasing function, input, range, non-linear function, relation, increasing function, and function notation.

Included is a pre-test, post-test, and vocabulary quiz on the Common Core 8th grade standard Geometry (8.G).

Students will:

1.) Perform transformations on figures such as reflections, rotations, dilations, and translations.

2.) Determine if two figures are similar.

3.) Determine if two figures are congruent.

4.) Determine the missing angle inside of a triangle.

5.) Determine the remote exterior angle.

6.) Use the Pythagorean Theorem to determine a missing length in a right triangle.

7.) Calculate the volume of three dimensional objects: cone, cylinder, and sphere.

The vocabulary included is rotation, reflection, dilation, translation, remote interior angle, exterior angle, Pythagorean Theorem, corresponding angles, similar figures, transversal, and congruent.

Included is a pre-test, post-test, and vocabulary quiz on 8.SP (8th grade Common Core standard - Statistics & Probability).

Students will:

1.) Construct a scatter plot.

2.) Describe the associations of scatter plots.

3.) Determine if given lines are an accurate line of fit for scatter plots.

4.) Draw a line of best fit.

5.) Write an equation in slope-intercept form for the line of best fit.

6.) Determine the association given word problems.

7.) Use a two-way table to determine the percent of preference.

The vocabulary included is line of best fit, cluster, nonlinear association, linear association, negative association, positive association, outlier, scatter plot, and bivariate measurement data.

You can watch my video showing my 7th grade bundle by

CLICKING HERE. My 7th grade bundle is very similar to my 8th grade bundle.

Related Products

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• 7th Grade Math Curriculum (Entire Year Bundle) Includes Some Distance Learning

• Math Curriculum Bundle (My Entire Math Store) DISTANCE LEARNING PACKETS

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This resource includes a limited use license from Math in Demand. You may only use the resource for personal classroom use. This purchase does not allow you to transfer my resource to another teacher, school, or etc. You must purchase an additional license at a discounted cost.

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